Jeez I'm not doing very well on the blogging front at the moment!
Promise pics and never post them, promise to post more then don't, forgive me?
Been doing a few bits, started a few more socks (natch!) and made a couple of things called Tribbles out of the copious amounts of cotton I seem to have! They are really good as it happens, just the right texture for exfoliating (ooo using posh words!) and I've been pleased with my self that I found the pattern on Ravelry. And made a dishcloth, tho I'm hoping it won't be destined to wash dishes, they are too nice to be scrubbing food off of things!
Speaking of Ravelry, check out my swish work in progress selection on the right hand side! That is every thing I've got on the go at the moment, pretty cool eh? Any updates I do on Ravelry will show up there, I think it looks pretty cool any way and I like the fact that it shows on my blog exactly whats going on!
So any way, instead of posting a load of photos, I've put together a quick slide show, first ones are of the stuff I've completed recently and the next ones are just larger pics of the ones I've got on the right :-)
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Monday, 10 December 2007
Been Offline
Blimmin Bt messed up leaving me without access for best part of 3 weeks. Not fun.
I did manage to get a bit of knitting done, but I found it difficult without the inspiration or motivation on the net! When I see other people completing projects and all, it gives me a gee up to do my stuff, but without the internet in front of me, my knitting was sporadic to say the least.
I did, however, manage to finish two pairs of socks, cast on 2 more pairs and start a mitred square blanket to use up my left over sock wool, yes this does mean it will take years for it to be a useable blanket but I'm hoping it will serve more as a memory blanket of projects I have done, rather than some thing I need to finish right now this second!
No photos of finished items just yet, but will edit later to add them on! (already edited to add link to the blanket, should have done that before...)
I did manage to get a bit of knitting done, but I found it difficult without the inspiration or motivation on the net! When I see other people completing projects and all, it gives me a gee up to do my stuff, but without the internet in front of me, my knitting was sporadic to say the least.
I did, however, manage to finish two pairs of socks, cast on 2 more pairs and start a mitred square blanket to use up my left over sock wool, yes this does mean it will take years for it to be a useable blanket but I'm hoping it will serve more as a memory blanket of projects I have done, rather than some thing I need to finish right now this second!
No photos of finished items just yet, but will edit later to add them on! (already edited to add link to the blanket, should have done that before...)
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Bit quiet again..
I've petered off again! But I'm sure you'll forgive me, I've not been too well and family life has been a bit ick to say the least.
What I have been doing tho, is participating in a fingerless gloves swap on Angel yarns.
And of course, I wanted to give a good show, so I chose to do Fetchings!
Yes that does mean it was my first go at cables, I wasn't too worried I have to say, the principle seemed pretty simple and as I'd assumed, it wasn't too bad at all!
Fetchings in SWTC Karaoke Wild Cherry
What I have been doing tho, is participating in a fingerless gloves swap on Angel yarns.
And of course, I wanted to give a good show, so I chose to do Fetchings!
Yes that does mean it was my first go at cables, I wasn't too worried I have to say, the principle seemed pretty simple and as I'd assumed, it wasn't too bad at all!
Fuzzlewett, my recipient of the gloves seemed pleased with the result!
And I got mine in return the other day and they are very smart indeed!
Aren't they fab? Not sure on what the pattern or yarn was yet, but I will be asking cause I'd like to make another pair. Do really like them tho, tad bit tight round the top but its not restricting and will stretch with use :-) I love doing swaps like that!
In other knitting news...I've come across a hooded top that I would kill to cast on right now this second! Its called Rogue and it looks just stunning! I've even got my yarn picked out already, Elann Peruvian Highland wool, in Garnet, I'll buy it direct from Elann which makes it less than $3 a ball and so cheap for making a sweater of this size, in my size! (I once sized up a jumper for dp, skinny little guy, wool that was recommended would have made it £50! *faints* I love him but...) See I've fallen so much in love with cables I feel capable of tackling that! I must be mad..
And I got mine in return the other day and they are very smart indeed!
Aren't they fab? Not sure on what the pattern or yarn was yet, but I will be asking cause I'd like to make another pair. Do really like them tho, tad bit tight round the top but its not restricting and will stretch with use :-) I love doing swaps like that!
In other knitting news...I've come across a hooded top that I would kill to cast on right now this second! Its called Rogue and it looks just stunning! I've even got my yarn picked out already, Elann Peruvian Highland wool, in Garnet, I'll buy it direct from Elann which makes it less than $3 a ball and so cheap for making a sweater of this size, in my size! (I once sized up a jumper for dp, skinny little guy, wool that was recommended would have made it £50! *faints* I love him but...) See I've fallen so much in love with cables I feel capable of tackling that! I must be mad..
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Ah, theres my mojo!
Not picked up this project for months as it was hacking me off, every time I picked it up, I made horrible mistakes and had to frog back to my lifeline every time :-(
But inspiration struck and I dug it out of my cupboard with only 1 repeat on the needles and all of a sudden I'm up to 6 and still going strong! Supposed to do 10 in all, but I'll see what the yarn situation is before I decide to do more.
Yes there is a couple of mistakes and half the leaves on the left on one row, are out by 1 stitch, but hey thats what makes it unique! No one elses will look like that... and it looks good overall!
I'm looking forward to getting it off the needles and hopefully will be able to carry on with other things once again!
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Nearly came to a complete stop!
After a flurry of knitting baby things, my knitting almost ground to a complete halt.
Not picked up any of my on going projects for a while any way due to doing a few other bits, but was put off immensely when the charming woman I called a mother had the nerve to accuse me (amongst other nasty things) of spending all my money on wool and gadgets instead of paying my bills and rent. How she arrived at that conclusion I have no idea, bills get paid and my rent is bob on! I hardly ever leave the house and go shopping round town, don't buy clothes for my self, I get the occasional game for my Nintendo DS or PC but thats once in a blue moon when some thing comes out that I fancy, usually sims related! Yarn is all I get some times, so what if I spend (on average) a fiver on my self once a week or so, hardly a crime is is? A lot less than some I know who have a lot less money than me to throw around, but naturally thats forgotten in the urge to accuse me of some thing...
Any way, even tho I shouldn't feel guilty, I do feel guilty, and it made me not want to pick up the needles, but then Dave to the rescue with a request for a knitted phone cover! Wayhey some one to please!
Instantly I thought of a felted case, as its to protect his phone from being knocked around in his pocket when he goes bike riding, but I didn't have a pattern, until the very next day I got a new magazine, Lets Knit, thru my door (thats £1 for 3 issues..) and in it was..a..felted phone pouch! Spooky! Perfect!
So, quick look on Get Knitted, found a some South West Trading Karaoke, for £3 a ball, right weight and it felts!
Have to confess I did play it safe and went for the black sheep colour way (kind of a silvery black) as I didn't want to scare Dave with some thing really bright!
Knitted it up in one evening and have spent most of the day trying to felt it in to submission, which it has done, some what, but not quite enough, so I'm going to have to take a pair of scissors to it I think and borrow Daves phone and cut it to size (leaving enough for the seams naturally!). Well I can't get it spot on every time can I?
This is it so far, I forgot to take a before picture but it was much much bigger!
You can just about make out the silver flecks in it, it will be trimmed down a bit, folded over with the triangle making the flap which I'm going to use velcro to secure and that should be a nice functional piece of knitting!
Ah well, onwards and upwards!
Not picked up any of my on going projects for a while any way due to doing a few other bits, but was put off immensely when the charming woman I called a mother had the nerve to accuse me (amongst other nasty things) of spending all my money on wool and gadgets instead of paying my bills and rent. How she arrived at that conclusion I have no idea, bills get paid and my rent is bob on! I hardly ever leave the house and go shopping round town, don't buy clothes for my self, I get the occasional game for my Nintendo DS or PC but thats once in a blue moon when some thing comes out that I fancy, usually sims related! Yarn is all I get some times, so what if I spend (on average) a fiver on my self once a week or so, hardly a crime is is? A lot less than some I know who have a lot less money than me to throw around, but naturally thats forgotten in the urge to accuse me of some thing...
Any way, even tho I shouldn't feel guilty, I do feel guilty, and it made me not want to pick up the needles, but then Dave to the rescue with a request for a knitted phone cover! Wayhey some one to please!
Instantly I thought of a felted case, as its to protect his phone from being knocked around in his pocket when he goes bike riding, but I didn't have a pattern, until the very next day I got a new magazine, Lets Knit, thru my door (thats £1 for 3 issues..) and in it was..a..felted phone pouch! Spooky! Perfect!
So, quick look on Get Knitted, found a some South West Trading Karaoke, for £3 a ball, right weight and it felts!
Have to confess I did play it safe and went for the black sheep colour way (kind of a silvery black) as I didn't want to scare Dave with some thing really bright!
Knitted it up in one evening and have spent most of the day trying to felt it in to submission, which it has done, some what, but not quite enough, so I'm going to have to take a pair of scissors to it I think and borrow Daves phone and cut it to size (leaving enough for the seams naturally!). Well I can't get it spot on every time can I?
This is it so far, I forgot to take a before picture but it was much much bigger!
Ah well, onwards and upwards!
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Ickle bitty baby booties
A one evening project that can look so so cute!
Converse baby booties, in lilac DK yarn. Pattern from Etsy.
Ever so please with these! Did them over the course of a late afternoon/evening, I had every aspect of them completed before I went to bed, including the small embroidered circle for the authentic look! Baby Rhiannon is going to be a well kitted out baby when she makes her appearance in to the world!
Already had a request for an adult pair from a certain some one, little does he know I've already bought the adult pattern for these....hehe
Already had a request for an adult pair from a certain some one, little does he know I've already bought the adult pattern for these....hehe
Sunday, 23 September 2007
Baby hats!
Hmm realising I've only got 6 weeks to knit the bits I promised my little sister for her baby, I thought I'd better crack on with knitting them, once again my other projects are on hold, so I've got 2 socks with no partners at the moment!
So far, I've cranked out 2 hats in 2 evenings, and they are really sweet!
Vine lace baby hat from knitting daily, in opal petticoat, newborn size
Modified umbilical cord hat, in regia 4ply, newborn size.
So far, I've cranked out 2 hats in 2 evenings, and they are really sweet!
The second hat is a version of the umbilical cord hat from the SnB handbook. Originally I think its done in an aran weight which I don't have any of, but what I do have is plenty of spare 4ply! I don't have the pattern for this either, but it was easy enough to work out. The vine lace baby hat, I cast on 81 stitches, so I cast on 8o, knitting until it had a nice curl on it, then knitting till it was about 2inches long from the rolled up edge, decreased k5 k2tog round, k4, k2tog etc with a knit round in between until I had 4 stitches left which I turned in to a 4stitch icord and the job was a good un! Looks just like the version from the book! Was quite pleased with my self..
Going to do some socks today if I can, and probably some mittens. My sister has already got loads of cardigans from my friend kirsty so I'm doing some little things that you need lots of!
Going to be one well kitted out baby by the end of this!
Going to do some socks today if I can, and probably some mittens. My sister has already got loads of cardigans from my friend kirsty so I'm doing some little things that you need lots of!
Going to be one well kitted out baby by the end of this!
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Saturday, 1 September 2007
Booga Bag
Knitted, felted, blocked, done!
I enjoyed that! Really easy, yet so effective! 1 useable bag I made my self, cool!
I enjoyed that! Really easy, yet so effective! 1 useable bag I made my self, cool!
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Socks, pressies, wool, and palooza socks!
Soooo my knitted pressie socks went down very well! I'm sure Paul hasn't had them off his feet yet lol
Size nine opal rainforst socks in snake
Size nine opal rainforst socks in snake
Fastest pair of socks I've ever knitted any way! Was nice to make them for some one who appreciated them so much!
Finished a pair for me for a change! These have been on the needles for months, and I've just made my self finish them because A I wanted to wear them, and B I'm starting to accumulate too many UFOs (unfinished objects!) for my liking!
Long blog but I think that just about catches up the past 2 weeks!
Finished a pair for me for a change! These have been on the needles for months, and I've just made my self finish them because A I wanted to wear them, and B I'm starting to accumulate too many UFOs (unfinished objects!) for my liking!
Thing that put me off the most about them was the fact that panda cotton splits like mad and it just drove me up the wall to knit with at times! But the result is pretty cool and very comfy! I can see them becoming a firm favourite!
My sockapalooza socks have arrived! And I'm happy to say, that despite them being a little tight around the cuff, they are a lovely fit! I'm sure they will give a bit in time. I'm chuffed regardless!
My little gift was fantastic as well! Some wildfoot sock yarn in a gorgeous shade of purple blue and green.
Got two balls of this!
Photo doesn't do the yarn justice!
It was fantastic hun thank you!
But of course me being me..I took my self off to a posh yarn shop for my own birthday present!
4 balls of Regia because well its Regia! A skein of Artesano to do the spiral socks from Knit today (the ones with no heel!) and 3 balls of Noro for a Booga bag!
Booga bag will be cast on tonight I think, my first proper felting project! Can't wait!
My sockapalooza socks have arrived! And I'm happy to say, that despite them being a little tight around the cuff, they are a lovely fit! I'm sure they will give a bit in time. I'm chuffed regardless!
A very enjoyable experince, one I will repeat!
And incase you had missed me getting excited about it lol It was my birthday last week!
My super lovely friend Kirsty got me some Lornas Lace Sock yarn in Black Purl, some stitch markers, some size 2 brittany birch DPNs and a sock pattern to knit up as well! She knows me so well...
My super lovely friend Kirsty got me some Lornas Lace Sock yarn in Black Purl, some stitch markers, some size 2 brittany birch DPNs and a sock pattern to knit up as well! She knows me so well...
It was fantastic hun thank you!
But of course me being me..I took my self off to a posh yarn shop for my own birthday present!
4 balls of Regia because well its Regia! A skein of Artesano to do the spiral socks from Knit today (the ones with no heel!) and 3 balls of Noro for a Booga bag!

Long blog but I think that just about catches up the past 2 weeks!
Sunday, 12 August 2007
And the smell of boiled Kool aid hung in the air...
Boiled Kool aid? Well super heated in the microwave kool aid.
Now ok for the uninitiated, Kool aid is a brightly coloured american kids drink, comes in little sachets that you add your own water and sugar to taste and you have quite a fab little drink.
However, by not adding as much water, kool aid becomes rather an effective dye and of course, does really well when it comes to dying wool hehe
So naturally in the persuit of doing some thing different, yours truely bought a kool aid dying kit and had a go at dying my own wool!
Microwaved to within an inch of its life!
The result and the fact I didn't stop at one!
The name Opal Rainforest snake is actually very accurate!!
Now ok for the uninitiated, Kool aid is a brightly coloured american kids drink, comes in little sachets that you add your own water and sugar to taste and you have quite a fab little drink.
However, by not adding as much water, kool aid becomes rather an effective dye and of course, does really well when it comes to dying wool hehe
So naturally in the persuit of doing some thing different, yours truely bought a kool aid dying kit and had a go at dying my own wool!
Now eagle eyed will spy the fact that the purple and green no longer contains yellow...because I decided I didn't like it and just extended the green and purple areas round it which resulted in me being much happier! I just put it in the microwave again and kept and eye on it and it was fine!
I've got more sachets and undyed sockwool on route to me so I can have a proper go with wool I can knit some thing with! The wool I dyed was 50g of DK wool (thats double knit hun lol) and can knit some small wrist warmers out of it (came with a pattern) but I can't wait to do sock wool in a good quantity and then knit up the result!
Finally made a start on Pauls socks, moving along quite quickly, in one day I did the leg and half a heel which was good going! If I really give it some stick I might be able to finish it today and then do the other before the week is out, which is good really as they need to be finished by Saturday, here is a little sneak preview ;-)
Saturday, 4 August 2007
More WIP!
First off, my sockapalooza socks arrived with their new owner, who seemed to be thrilled with them which was a big relief I have to say! Was really worried she wouldn't like them, but of course it was unfounded! Just waiting for mine to arrive now, but I do have about 5 items of post mising at the moment, and I'm fast losing patience with the postal service, on strike or not, its affecting things way too much..not impressed. Soon may it end!

Any way, of course, free knitting time (No wool for our pauls socks yet) and I've cast on another project. Fancied doing to wrist warmers for a while, and I came across this yarn at a LYS (local yarn shop) 100% bamboo, 50g for £2.59. Gorgeous colours and really soft, and I had to find some thing to do with it straight away. So I looked up patterns for wrist warmers (yes I know its August but I can get them done now in time for cold(er!) weather.
Second pattern I happened to discover was this one called April May by Cider Moon. My gauge
didn't quite fit the pattern but I decided to go for it any way and see what happens. Taken me 3 days on and off knitting, but I've finished the first glove and I'm really impressed with my self! Fits lovely, first attempt at the thumb worked like a charm, and I'm really happy with it!
Must cast on the second one, before I'm tempted to do some thing else, but I'm actually looking forward to having a completed pair!
Well hopefully this postal strike will end soon and I can get the yarn for pauls socks, really want to have them done, or at this rate I'm not going to have them finished by his birthday on the 18th.. I know I'll be able to do them in a few days if I really go for it, but its just not having the equipment to start that is bugging me! Until then I'll keep chipping at little projects!
Now playing: Depeche Mode - Shouldn't Have Done That
via FoxyTunes
Any way, of course, free knitting time (No wool for our pauls socks yet) and I've cast on another project. Fancied doing to wrist warmers for a while, and I came across this yarn at a LYS (local yarn shop) 100% bamboo, 50g for £2.59. Gorgeous colours and really soft, and I had to find some thing to do with it straight away. So I looked up patterns for wrist warmers (yes I know its August but I can get them done now in time for cold(er!) weather.
Second pattern I happened to discover was this one called April May by Cider Moon. My gauge
Must cast on the second one, before I'm tempted to do some thing else, but I'm actually looking forward to having a completed pair!
Well hopefully this postal strike will end soon and I can get the yarn for pauls socks, really want to have them done, or at this rate I'm not going to have them finished by his birthday on the 18th.. I know I'll be able to do them in a few days if I really go for it, but its just not having the equipment to start that is bugging me! Until then I'll keep chipping at little projects!
Now playing: Depeche Mode - Shouldn't Have Done That
via FoxyTunes
Monday, 30 July 2007
Sockapalooza socks...DONE!
Yes I had a sneaky try on...
Picture a bit glum but you get the idea!
Finally finished! So glad to have done it in time for the deadline, they look good, seen as they are only my third completed pair ever... I did make a boo-boo on the heel which I noticed before I started the second sock, but as I knew what I'd done, I decided to make the same mistake again as the socks feel fine on the feet and I'm sure my swap friend will like them. (fingers crossed!)
Right got a few days respite before I receive the yarn to do my step dads socks, can go and find one of my neglected projects!!
Finally finished! So glad to have done it in time for the deadline, they look good, seen as they are only my third completed pair ever... I did make a boo-boo on the heel which I noticed before I started the second sock, but as I knew what I'd done, I decided to make the same mistake again as the socks feel fine on the feet and I'm sure my swap friend will like them. (fingers crossed!)
Right got a few days respite before I receive the yarn to do my step dads socks, can go and find one of my neglected projects!!
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Sockapalooza socks are go!
Not posted for a while so thought I'd better say some thing.
Been pretty much quiet for the past few days as I've been bashing on with my sockapalooza socks, big send off day is 2nd of August so I've got until Wednesday to finish, which at this rate, will be do-able!
I have worked out I do know the person I'm sending these two, after seeing her socks posted in two different places. I get the feeling that she likes matching stripes...oops! Well I did email and ask if she had any preferences... She looks like a much more accomplished knitter than I am, but this is the beginners group after all! Second sock is turning out to be better than the first, far less mistakes (not that there were loads on the first..) and I'm just wanting to get it done now, I've banned my self from starting or picking up any thing else until they are done..however, I've said I'll knit my step dad some socks on his birthday..18th of August, so I've technically got 16 days to finish them after I've done these...not going to see any of my own knitting for a while!
Mind you cracking on with knitting has been made harder after I got my (surprise) invite to Ravelry! It was a surprise because I'd only (in my mind) submitted my interest not a week before and with thousands of knitters trying to get on to this site, I should have been in for quite a wait, but it turns out, the first time I had a nosey at the site, I must have signed up for an invite, but I don't remember doing it..How I'll get time to knit now I'll never know! Taking photos of my stash and uploading them, photographing my projects, looking at new ones, seeing what every one else is knitting and in what colours, joining groups, reading the message boards... wow! Busy busy site...
Speaking of Birthdays, its mine on the 22nd... So much stuff I'd like..
Stitch and Bitch Happy Hooker (asked my sister for that!)
Drop spindle and Roving as I'd love a go at spinning
Kool Aid hand dying kit as I want to try my hand at that
Subscription to Middle Earth Yarns sock club cause I buy enough of her yarn to warrant it..
Now I'll probably have to buy most of it myself, but its nice to dream! (But I'll still be happy with what ever I get, including that nice Mission t-shirt that I've already picked out and is waiting for me to unwrap, still chuffed with that hehe)
Well better crack on with these socks!!
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Doctorin' the Tardis
Oh major geek alert!
I am actually obsessed enough about Doctor Who to request my own colourway based on the series as sock yarn. No I'm not joking!
Doctor Whoooooooo, Doctor Who...
I am actually obsessed enough about Doctor Who to request my own colourway based on the series as sock yarn. No I'm not joking!
Doctor Whoooooooo, Doctor Who...
Monday, 16 July 2007
Mystery Stole 3
Progress so far!
I think I'm up to row 65ish (not got chart to hand) Things have ground to a halt as I have other pressing time related things to finish, like my sockspalooza socks, and also some socks for my step dad for his birthday in august...
Close up of the stitches
Its looking good at any rate if I do say so my self!
But if you see me with any thing in my hands other than a pair of broadripple socks or some in Opal Rainforest snake, yell at me ok?
Close up of the stitches
But if you see me with any thing in my hands other than a pair of broadripple socks or some in Opal Rainforest snake, yell at me ok?
Saturday, 7 July 2007
Sock Yarn stash check!!
We've gone from this modest stash

To more sock yarn than I can knit in a year!
My name is Bex and I'm a sock yarn ADDICT!
I don't know where it all came from, honest! I just keep looking at online shops, and then the yarn ends up in my shopping basket, and then its paid for and is arriving here...We won't even mention the doctor who inspired sock yarn I've just commissioned from an etsy shop..
I suppose to balance the load, my "other" types of wool, I don't seem to have much of.
2 Balls of Bernat cotton tots
4 skeins of Debbie Bliss Maya
2 balls of pattons 4ply cotton
3 balls of twilleys freedon spirit
1 1/2 balls of peaches and creame
1 ball of misc 4ply cotton
9 balls of peaches and creame/ suger and creame/ bernat handicraft cotton en route from america
Then we've got the 5 balls of acrylic for my innocent hats, all the wool for my art of knitting throw, all the little bits my mum rescued from the charity shop for me....oh...
To more sock yarn than I can knit in a year!
I don't know where it all came from, honest! I just keep looking at online shops, and then the yarn ends up in my shopping basket, and then its paid for and is arriving here...We won't even mention the doctor who inspired sock yarn I've just commissioned from an etsy shop..
I suppose to balance the load, my "other" types of wool, I don't seem to have much of.
2 Balls of Bernat cotton tots
4 skeins of Debbie Bliss Maya
2 balls of pattons 4ply cotton
3 balls of twilleys freedon spirit
1 1/2 balls of peaches and creame
1 ball of misc 4ply cotton
9 balls of peaches and creame/ suger and creame/ bernat handicraft cotton en route from america
Then we've got the 5 balls of acrylic for my innocent hats, all the wool for my art of knitting throw, all the little bits my mum rescued from the charity shop for me....oh...
Monday, 2 July 2007
Knitting vid and cute booties!
Cracking on with multiply projects here, its a wonder I have time for any thing else the amount I'm doing!
Last night I suddenly decided I was going to knit my friend Sarah some little booties for her little baby Luke, did one in an evening, and hoping to get the second one done today at some point. Just hope the fit him now! I can never remember how small babies feet are and I'm probably worrying over nothing!
The pattern is baby converse booties from Etsy
Far too cute for words lets put it that way!
Also on the go is a sock for Callum, just 6 more rounds before toe shaping, in his favourite colour, green!
Some innocent smoothie hats to raise money for age concern have also got my attention, done 3 already! Really quick to do, I just need a innocent smoothie bottle to model them on!
Getting my gear together to start work on the mystery stole by pink lemon twist, already seen progress so far on our knit a long and its looking fantastic! I'm using some ebony zephyr and purple oily effect beads. Can't wait to get cracking.
It feels like I never stop! Good job I enjoy it isn't it lol
Will leave you with this cool little vid, Blood, sweat and wool!
The pattern is baby converse booties from Etsy
Far too cute for words lets put it that way!
Also on the go is a sock for Callum, just 6 more rounds before toe shaping, in his favourite colour, green!
Some innocent smoothie hats to raise money for age concern have also got my attention, done 3 already! Really quick to do, I just need a innocent smoothie bottle to model them on!
Getting my gear together to start work on the mystery stole by pink lemon twist, already seen progress so far on our knit a long and its looking fantastic! I'm using some ebony zephyr and purple oily effect beads. Can't wait to get cracking.
It feels like I never stop! Good job I enjoy it isn't it lol
Will leave you with this cool little vid, Blood, sweat and wool!
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Sock progress and stuff!
Got socks flying off the needles at the moment!
Finally finished my first sockapalooza sock!
I think I've done ok, was worried for ages that I'd done some thing wrong because it looked too big, but now its finished and I've had a sneaky try on (socky friend has a similar foot size to mine!) its actually a nice fit, not too tight and not huge either.
Have realised I've done some thing wrong on the heel however, this pattern says slip one knit 1, and repeat, I slipped one then just knitted across, as well, as long as the other one matches, it won't
make much difference! Just doesn't have a fancy heel on it! And I'm also pleased to report the second one is well underway and I should meet the August deadline in good time fingers crossed! I haven't gone for matching stripes I have to say, I don't like to waste wool and any way, matching is so over rated! These socks are going to be unique! I just hope the person I'm sending them to appreciates them as I almost don't want to give them away (don't worry, I will be doing!) they are my first attempt at a pattern and I'm proud of what I've managed with them! Few mistakes along the way, that hopefully won't stand out too much (I don't think they do any way..). They look good, thats the main thing!
Next sock off the production line was the first sock from my Panda cotton attempts! Now it is truly funky, the colour pooling is some thing else, and the elastic content makes it a fab fit.
As I suspected I ended up going in to the second ball, I was 2 rows away from toe shaping when it finally ran out. Didn't do too badly I don't think. Will order another ball before I start the next one, and then think of some thing to do with the remaining 3/4 of a ball!
I have also finished my matching sock for my tofutsies socks (the trainer socks I was doing)! Very pleased with this one by the end of knitting, I would have a picture to show you but they have already been worn and are in the wash some where! Will post pic when I rescue them again.
If that wasn't enough, I've been trying my hand at recycling some carrier bags and making a...bag lol Been quite a few patterns springing up so I thought oh what the hell, it involves cutting carrier bags in one big spiral and then using the ribbon to knit with.
So here we have alternating tesco and sainsburys bags! Going to do another 6 stripes, and then fold it over, stitch up the sides and do some handles. Don't think it will hold any thing really heavy but..not the point is it! Few less bags going in the landfill!
One last thing, I promise! Got some new wool, specially made by Gemma at Krafty Koala, and I'm itching to cast it on! Like I've got nothing better to do. So I'll leave you will a lovely pic of its 200g squishiness! Electric 80's, I can see matching socks and wrist wamers here hehe
I think I've done ok, was worried for ages that I'd done some thing wrong because it looked too big, but now its finished and I've had a sneaky try on (socky friend has a similar foot size to mine!) its actually a nice fit, not too tight and not huge either.
Have realised I've done some thing wrong on the heel however, this pattern says slip one knit 1, and repeat, I slipped one then just knitted across, as well, as long as the other one matches, it won't
Next sock off the production line was the first sock from my Panda cotton attempts! Now it is truly funky, the colour pooling is some thing else, and the elastic content makes it a fab fit.
As I suspected I ended up going in to the second ball, I was 2 rows away from toe shaping when it finally ran out. Didn't do too badly I don't think. Will order another ball before I start the next one, and then think of some thing to do with the remaining 3/4 of a ball!
I have also finished my matching sock for my tofutsies socks (the trainer socks I was doing)! Very pleased with this one by the end of knitting, I would have a picture to show you but they have already been worn and are in the wash some where! Will post pic when I rescue them again.
So here we have alternating tesco and sainsburys bags! Going to do another 6 stripes, and then fold it over, stitch up the sides and do some handles. Don't think it will hold any thing really heavy but..not the point is it! Few less bags going in the landfill!
One last thing, I promise! Got some new wool, specially made by Gemma at Krafty Koala, and I'm itching to cast it on! Like I've got nothing better to do. So I'll leave you will a lovely pic of its 200g squishiness! Electric 80's, I can see matching socks and wrist wamers here hehe
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Well I can honestly say...
I don't do subtle!!
New yarn time :-D

These are my new yarns from Middle Earth Yarns and I love them! One the left is Marmalade and on the right is Midnight stripes! Not had the heart to undo them and wind them in to a ball yet, not a clue what sort of socks I'm going to knit with them either! I just wanted them....
On the pins at the moment (along with Rainbow Child, Broadripple socks and the FC shawl) we have these little stunners!

This is Crystal Palace Panda cotton in Night Light, and I love it! First time I saw it I needed some but couldn't find it either in this country or from the states with postage I was prepared to pay until the woolly workshop decided to stock it! Woohoo!!
Its a bit difficult to knit with at times as it divides up very easily but it feels very nice and if you get in to the swing of things it soon turns in to a stunning sock, the colours on the black are great! Overall I'm very happy with it so far, just hoping the ball lasts to the end of my sock as my feet are a bit above average size it has to be said....
And if all that wasn't enough! I've asked Cazza from Middle Earth yarns to make me some Not just for Goths sock yarn, as it took my fancy big time when I was browsing her previously sold items! Looks very funky. And! If I really really didn't have enough, I've been involved in a joint custom order for some Electric 80's sock yarn from Kraft Koala (photo of which can be seen here)
I'm going to have some funky feets thats for sure!!
All good fun, well back to the northern lights socks!
New yarn time :-D
These are my new yarns from Middle Earth Yarns and I love them! One the left is Marmalade and on the right is Midnight stripes! Not had the heart to undo them and wind them in to a ball yet, not a clue what sort of socks I'm going to knit with them either! I just wanted them....
On the pins at the moment (along with Rainbow Child, Broadripple socks and the FC shawl) we have these little stunners!
This is Crystal Palace Panda cotton in Night Light, and I love it! First time I saw it I needed some but couldn't find it either in this country or from the states with postage I was prepared to pay until the woolly workshop decided to stock it! Woohoo!!
Its a bit difficult to knit with at times as it divides up very easily but it feels very nice and if you get in to the swing of things it soon turns in to a stunning sock, the colours on the black are great! Overall I'm very happy with it so far, just hoping the ball lasts to the end of my sock as my feet are a bit above average size it has to be said....
And if all that wasn't enough! I've asked Cazza from Middle Earth yarns to make me some Not just for Goths sock yarn, as it took my fancy big time when I was browsing her previously sold items! Looks very funky. And! If I really really didn't have enough, I've been involved in a joint custom order for some Electric 80's sock yarn from Kraft Koala (photo of which can be seen here)
I'm going to have some funky feets thats for sure!!
All good fun, well back to the northern lights socks!
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Been busier than I thought!
Life has been a little bit stressful of late, and I haven't been doing much knitting as I couldn't concentrate enough on my main projects, but when I gathered a few bits together to take photos of, I realised I'd managed more than I thought!
Well first off I'd better show you the lovely stuff I got from my summer secret santa, as it sets up one of the projects I've been at!

Look at all that! I was made up, a book I was after, 2 balls of Peaches and Creame dishcloth cotton, a stunning skein of Jitterbug which I really do love, some really cute stitch makers and best of all, chocolate!! Again, huge thanks to Loulabelle for that! I'm still trying to get all my items together to send to my recipient, had items lost in the post and my order reshipped, not impressed with the postal service so far!
Anyway first thing is my little sock I knitted for my sockblocker from Fyberspates. Was a little bit fiddly due to its size, but I managed it, and apart from having to fix the heel, it turned out ok!
The skein of wool next to it was kindly sent to me from Cazza (tho don't visit her shop with your credit card in sight!! Lovely stuff in there!)

And this is where my secret santa comes in! My first ever dishcloth! Don't know if you can make it out, but it has a musical note knitted on it! Going to use that as a wash cloth when I stop at Daves or we go away for a concert. Never like taking my sponge for some reason, but this fits the bill better! Seriously want to buy some more of this cotton tho, love working with it and its got some fab colourways, but seems I'm a little stuck for choice, and I've so not been inspired by other cottons, a little too plain tbh but we shall see!
This little bag was just a couple of hours project to take my mind off a few things, and when I'd finished, I found it was the perfect size to put my mooncup in! So this funky little thing goes round in my bag every where. Was a nice little find I think!
And here we are at my new project! Its Rainbow Child from the current issue of Simply Knitting (you have to buy it for the sheep needle holders alone!) Its a hooded gilet, and it just looked really cute. Its done in Twilleys Freedom Spirit, and it should be the shade Bliss, but I'm not sure as there is two colourways with the number 508 and I'm not sure which I got! Its lovely regardless and its only going to take 4 balls, going to have to learn to crochet properly tho to do the border! Should be fun! Got to remember I've got my sockapalooza socks (have worked on them too, but not for a couple of weeks) and I've got my FC shawl to do as well..
Tho its probably not a good idea to be getting all these books! (just realised my domiknitrix book is missing off this photo!) Getting too many ideas and I'm looking at even more to buy as well...another bad idea!
Oh well!
I'm sure I'll finish all my WIP one day....
Well first off I'd better show you the lovely stuff I got from my summer secret santa, as it sets up one of the projects I've been at!
Look at all that! I was made up, a book I was after, 2 balls of Peaches and Creame dishcloth cotton, a stunning skein of Jitterbug which I really do love, some really cute stitch makers and best of all, chocolate!! Again, huge thanks to Loulabelle for that! I'm still trying to get all my items together to send to my recipient, had items lost in the post and my order reshipped, not impressed with the postal service so far!
The skein of wool next to it was kindly sent to me from Cazza (tho don't visit her shop with your credit card in sight!! Lovely stuff in there!)
And this is where my secret santa comes in! My first ever dishcloth! Don't know if you can make it out, but it has a musical note knitted on it! Going to use that as a wash cloth when I stop at Daves or we go away for a concert. Never like taking my sponge for some reason, but this fits the bill better! Seriously want to buy some more of this cotton tho, love working with it and its got some fab colourways, but seems I'm a little stuck for choice, and I've so not been inspired by other cottons, a little too plain tbh but we shall see!
Oh well!
I'm sure I'll finish all my WIP one day....
Sunday, 27 May 2007
8 Random Facts
I've been tagged by Ali to do 8 random facts about my self, and I thought, well why not!
1 I only started knitting in January this year when I saw an advert for the art of knitting magazine and really wanted to give it a try. Become a tad more advanced since then and have really enjoyed being an adventurous beginner!
2 I'm starting 2 Open University courses this September in computing. I've been wanting to do some thing productive for a while, and have been encouraged in the matter seen as I have natural knack for using them, only seems right I earn some qualifications in this field and put it to good use!
3 Despite only being 24, I have been married, and have 3 children, 6,4 and 2. I'm separated from my husband but we still live together to look after the kids as I couldn't do it alone. I am however seeing some one else, and have been for the best part of 3 years!
4 I'm trained to a fairly high level of martial arts, comes in handy if I ever feel threatened in a dark alley!
5 I can't drive, I'm queen of public transport!
6 I went to at least 8 concerts last year, including a trip to Paris to see Depeche Mode and 2 trips to London for festivals. One band I ended seeing 4 times, including the lead singers birthday party! So far this year, I've been to 3 concerts, all last week!
7 My favourite colour is green, and has been for as long as I can remember!
8 I dress in black and listen to very gothy music, but don't think of my self as a goth (despite also dying my hair black..) I don't "do" the mind set, I just like the look and the music! Tis very me... and plus wearing dark clothes makes my socks stand out even more hehe
Ok, well I don't have many people I would tag, so I'll go and tag Kirsty even tho shes on her hols and see if she plays!
Will do a knitting blog soon, I haven't been doing much lately, as I've lacked the motivation for some reason, so will remedy that as soon as!
The rules are:
- Participants start with 7 or 8 random facts about themselves
- Tagged people write a blog entry of their random facts
- At the end of the post, tag 7 or 8 more people, and include their names
- Leave each of them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and refer them back to your blog
1 I only started knitting in January this year when I saw an advert for the art of knitting magazine and really wanted to give it a try. Become a tad more advanced since then and have really enjoyed being an adventurous beginner!
2 I'm starting 2 Open University courses this September in computing. I've been wanting to do some thing productive for a while, and have been encouraged in the matter seen as I have natural knack for using them, only seems right I earn some qualifications in this field and put it to good use!
3 Despite only being 24, I have been married, and have 3 children, 6,4 and 2. I'm separated from my husband but we still live together to look after the kids as I couldn't do it alone. I am however seeing some one else, and have been for the best part of 3 years!
4 I'm trained to a fairly high level of martial arts, comes in handy if I ever feel threatened in a dark alley!
5 I can't drive, I'm queen of public transport!
6 I went to at least 8 concerts last year, including a trip to Paris to see Depeche Mode and 2 trips to London for festivals. One band I ended seeing 4 times, including the lead singers birthday party! So far this year, I've been to 3 concerts, all last week!
7 My favourite colour is green, and has been for as long as I can remember!
8 I dress in black and listen to very gothy music, but don't think of my self as a goth (despite also dying my hair black..) I don't "do" the mind set, I just like the look and the music! Tis very me... and plus wearing dark clothes makes my socks stand out even more hehe
Ok, well I don't have many people I would tag, so I'll go and tag Kirsty even tho shes on her hols and see if she plays!
Will do a knitting blog soon, I haven't been doing much lately, as I've lacked the motivation for some reason, so will remedy that as soon as!
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Forest Canopy Shawl.
Well I did say I wouldn't get in to the habit of having two projects on the go but I could not resist!
I won some Opal Herbstmelodie on ebay, lovely colours, hand painted, autumn colours, thought yes I like that, £4.99, jobs a goodun, no one else bid!
Any way, it dropped thru my letter box the day after and I took one look at it, and thought, thats a Forest Canopy Shawl. It just looked perfect and suited to a project like this and after a quick check I was ok to use a 4ply wool, I printed off my pattern and got started.

I've had to frog it all once after I realised I'd made an early mistake on my centre line and it had gone all wonky, and I've had to re done some lines several times to get the right number of stitches but I'm proud of my little effort so far!
Going to be a bit of a challenge and I've got to remember to carry on my sockapalooza socks as well (on to the gusset with them at the mo!) but I'm enjoying the test of my new knitting skills!
Watch this space for updates! Off to knit in a life line......
I won some Opal Herbstmelodie on ebay, lovely colours, hand painted, autumn colours, thought yes I like that, £4.99, jobs a goodun, no one else bid!
Any way, it dropped thru my letter box the day after and I took one look at it, and thought, thats a Forest Canopy Shawl. It just looked perfect and suited to a project like this and after a quick check I was ok to use a 4ply wool, I printed off my pattern and got started.
I've had to frog it all once after I realised I'd made an early mistake on my centre line and it had gone all wonky, and I've had to re done some lines several times to get the right number of stitches but I'm proud of my little effort so far!
Going to be a bit of a challenge and I've got to remember to carry on my sockapalooza socks as well (on to the gusset with them at the mo!) but I'm enjoying the test of my new knitting skills!
Watch this space for updates! Off to knit in a life line......
Saturday, 12 May 2007
Oh wow look at this!
Been browsing on Etsy (which is never a safe thing to do at the best of times!) when I came across this kit Heere be Dragone
How fantastic is that!Once I get a bit of money I might be investing in that. just so so nice!! And different!
For now tho, along with doing my sockapalooza socks (ever growing) I'm starting on my forest canopy shawl with (hopefully) this wool as it just so lends its self to the name!
The love of knitting goes on!
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
sockapalooza progress report and note to my swap friend!
Just a wee progress report on the wild socks!
On to the heel flap at the moment and they are looking fab!

Really please with how they are coming on considering this is my first attempt at a patterned sock and the more I knit this colour, the more I like it. Its actual name is spring flowers or similar, so apt in this nice weather! (well apart from all the rain!)
So thats how my sock is getting on, but I wanted to leave a message for the person doing my socks. I hope you are getting a feel for what I'm like, and maybe you've even got some wool already for me, I just want to say I'd appreciate any thing, can be loud, subtle, patterned or not, as long as it fits my foot I will be a happy bunny! I'm sure you will do a fab job regardless! Beginners unite!!
On to the heel flap at the moment and they are looking fab!
Really please with how they are coming on considering this is my first attempt at a patterned sock and the more I knit this colour, the more I like it. Its actual name is spring flowers or similar, so apt in this nice weather! (well apart from all the rain!)
So thats how my sock is getting on, but I wanted to leave a message for the person doing my socks. I hope you are getting a feel for what I'm like, and maybe you've even got some wool already for me, I just want to say I'd appreciate any thing, can be loud, subtle, patterned or not, as long as it fits my foot I will be a happy bunny! I'm sure you will do a fab job regardless! Beginners unite!!
Sunday, 6 May 2007
Started my sockapalooza four socks!
Well in the absence of contact with my swap partner, I took the decision on what to knit for her, with only her shoe size and foot circumference to go on!
I decided to knit the 4ply version of the Broad Ripple socks from knitty (obtained by emailing the designer who was very nice to talk to :) )
Me being me, I went for a nice stripy sock wool and the wool I decided to part with was my Trekking xxl, shade 134.
I know some people will have set out to by nice posh sock wool for the person they are knitting for, but I can't really afford posh sock yarn at the mo, and I've got that much in my stash that it was only sensible that I use some of that so don't shoot me if this isn't the done thing!
My socky friend is either going to love them or hate them! I think they are looking fab but that is just me. This is my first attempt at a patterned sock, all the others have just been straight knitted in rounds, this involves yarn overs (which I've never done before either) and creating a lacey type pattern which looks great and the stripes of the wool really pick out the waves in this pattern.
Any way, here is my progress so far! Enjoy or look on in shock at the stripyness of these socks!

(yes pics aren't great, will try and take some better ones in day light tomorrow!)
ETA it looks even funkier in the cold light of day! (and it grew a little since the last pics)
I decided to knit the 4ply version of the Broad Ripple socks from knitty (obtained by emailing the designer who was very nice to talk to :) )
Me being me, I went for a nice stripy sock wool and the wool I decided to part with was my Trekking xxl, shade 134.
I know some people will have set out to by nice posh sock wool for the person they are knitting for, but I can't really afford posh sock yarn at the mo, and I've got that much in my stash that it was only sensible that I use some of that so don't shoot me if this isn't the done thing!
My socky friend is either going to love them or hate them! I think they are looking fab but that is just me. This is my first attempt at a patterned sock, all the others have just been straight knitted in rounds, this involves yarn overs (which I've never done before either) and creating a lacey type pattern which looks great and the stripes of the wool really pick out the waves in this pattern.
Any way, here is my progress so far! Enjoy or look on in shock at the stripyness of these socks!
(yes pics aren't great, will try and take some better ones in day light tomorrow!)
ETA it looks even funkier in the cold light of day! (and it grew a little since the last pics)
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