Wednesday, 4 April 2007

So on to the books!

Well it had to happen some time, I've started buying books on my new found passion!
So far I have bought sensational knitted socks by Charlene Schurch , which arrived this morning and on first inspection is going to be very handy on refining my techniques, I already know what to do in principle but to have it written out properly is going to be a bonus, as is having ready made patterns and size guides ready for me to dip in to.
The second book I've bought was Domiknitrix by Jennifer Stafford! Whip your knitting in to shape! Sounds like my kind of book! (not that I'm in any way a dominant person, I'm actually fairly submissive...oops, wrong blog hehe) Now this one looks like its got some cool patterns in it, along with more in-depth knitting techniques that I hadn't quite realised I could do. plus the gothy feel of the book is a good. Certainly worth looking at, thing. There is a Martin Gore style mohican hair hat that he wore on the recent tour which is pretty cool. I'm sure I could modify it to look like the real thing, you never know when it could come in handy!
They where both good buys, I've got more sensational knitted socks on my to buy list now, but its going to have to wait. This week I'm buying my self a new bag to transport my knitting round in (just a little pouch bag with enough room for a ball of wool, my half finished sock and 4 DPN's!), got 3 balls of sock wool with a bid scheduled to go in 5 seconds before the auction ends. Got no bids on it yet, but its £8 at the moment for 3 balls of sock wool of the sellers choice, kinda like a lucky dip, all self striping good quality yarn etc they are supposed to be having a clear out, but lets face it, for that price, I'm not going to go far wrong, and also I've bought a knitting set for Cat (who is 10 today woohoo!) so I can teach her how to knit as she expressed an interest in it the other night on msn, so I said I'd get her a few bits, call it her birthday pressie and go round to Dave's when she is there one evening and give her a crash course! Even if we don't get very far should be fun, she sounded enthusiastic which is always a bonus! Looking forward to giving it a go soon!
Oh and I've started looking at hand spinning, got caught up in a forum and now I'm interested. Well its cheaper to buy the unspun fleece and spin it myself so it would be better in the long run right? Hmmm might have to look in to this this space...

1 comment:

  1. Hey! did you ever figure out how to knit that Martin Gore style mohican hair hat?
