Not posted for a while so thought I'd better say some thing.
Been pretty much quiet for the past few days as I've been bashing on with my sockapalooza socks, big send off day is 2nd of August so I've got until Wednesday to finish, which at this rate, will be do-able!
I have worked out I do know the person I'm sending these two, after seeing her socks posted in two different places. I get the feeling that she likes matching stripes...oops! Well I did email and ask if she had any preferences... She looks like a much more accomplished knitter than I am, but this is the beginners group after all! Second sock is turning out to be better than the first, far less mistakes (not that there were loads on the first..) and I'm just wanting to get it done now, I've banned my self from starting or picking up any thing else until they are done..however, I've said I'll knit my step dad some socks on his birthday..18th of August, so I've technically got 16 days to finish them after I've done these...not going to see any of my own knitting for a while!
Mind you cracking on with knitting has been made harder after I got my (surprise) invite to
Ravelry! It was a surprise because I'd only (in my mind) submitted my interest not a week before and with thousands of knitters trying to get on to this site, I should have been in for quite a wait, but it turns out, the first time I had a nosey at the site, I must have signed up for an invite, but I don't remember doing it..How I'll get time to knit now I'll never know! Taking photos of my stash and uploading them, photographing my projects, looking at new ones, seeing what every one else is knitting and in what colours, joining groups, reading the message boards... wow! Busy busy site...
Speaking of Birthdays, its mine on the 22nd... So much stuff I'd like..
Stitch and Bitch Happy Hooker (asked my sister for that!)
Drop spindle and Roving as I'd love a go at spinning
Kool Aid hand dying kit as I want to try my hand at that
Subscription to Middle Earth Yarns sock club cause I buy enough of her yarn to warrant it..
Now I'll probably have to buy most of it myself, but its nice to dream! (But I'll still be happy with what ever I get, including that nice Mission t-shirt that I've already picked out and is waiting for me to unwrap, still chuffed with that hehe)
Well better crack on with these socks!!